Following the idea to provide APIs that starts with basic event handling and ends in an embedded higher-order dataflow language, the framework introduces a generic trait Reactive
, that factors out the possible concrete abstractions in the following way:
trait Reactive[+Msg, +Now] {
def current(dep: Dependant): Now
def message(dep: Dependant): Option[Msg]
def now: Now = current(Dependent.Nil)
def msg: Msg = message(Dependent.Nil)
The trait Reactive
is defined based on two type parameters: one for the message type an instance emits and one for the values it holds.
Starting from the previous base abstraction, two further types can be defined:
trait Signal[+A] extends Reactive[A,A]
trait Events[+A] extends Reactive[A,Unit]
The difference between the two types can be seen directly in the types:
, Msg
and Now
types are identical.Events
, Msg
and Now
types differ. In particular, the type for the type parameter Now
is Unit
. This means that for an instance of Events
the notion of "current value" has no sense at all.The two subclasses need to implement two methods which obtain the reactive’s current message or value and create dependencies in a single turn.
The next two sections will better examine the two abstraction introduced here.
NB: the examples and code provided in this chapter have been taken directly from the paper itself.
The first type to take in consideration is the Event
To simplify the event handling logic in an application, the framework provides a general and uniform event interface, with EventSource
. An EventSource
is an entity that can raise or emit events at any time. For example:
val es = new EventSource[Int]
es raise 1
es raise 2
To attach a side-effect in response to an event, an observer has to observe the event source, providing a closure. Continuing with the previous example, the following code prints all events from the event source to the console.
val ob = observe(es) { x =>
println("Receiving " + x)
observe( )
returns an handle of the observer,that can be used to uninstall and dispose the observer prematurely, via its dispose()
This is a common pattern in all of the other frameworks/libraries presentend in this thesis.
The basic types for events handling are pretty neat and simple to reason about, since they are first-class values. The usage of these types starts to be helpful only if combined with a set of operators, that enables developers to build better and declarative abstration.
For example, the Events
trait defines some common operators as follows:
def merge[B>:A](that: Events[B]): Events[B]
def map[B](f: A => B): Events[B]
def collect[B](p: PartialFunction[A, B]): Events[B]
When building abstractions, the developer doesn't need to take care of the events propagation, since this's provided by the framework itself.
The Signal type represents the other half of the story.
In programming a large set of problems is about synchronizing data that changes over time, and signals are introduced to overcome these needs.
In simple words, a Signal
is the continuous counterpart of trait Events
and represents time-varying values, mantaining:
A concrete type for Signal
is the Var
, that abstract the notion of variable signal and is defined as follows:
class Var[A](init: A) extends Signal[A] {
def update(newValue: A): Unit = ...
A Var
's current value can change when somebody calls an update( )
operation on a it or the value of a dependant signal changes.
Constant signals are represented by Val
class Val[A](value: A) extends Signal[A]
To compose signals, the framework doesn't provide combinator methods at all, but introduce the notion of signal expressions, indeed. To better explain the concept, let's look at an simple example.
val a = new Var(1)
val b = new Var(2)
val sum = Signal{ a()+b() }
observe(sum) { x => println(x) }
a()= 7
b()= 35
Signals are primarily used to create variable dependencies as seen above. In other words, all the "plumbing work" of connecting the dependencies and propagating the changes is already provided by the framework itself.
The framework and the Scala language provide a convenient and simple syntax to get and update the current value of a Signal, and also to create a variable dependencies between signals. For example:
Signal{ a()+b() }
creates a dependencies that binds the changes from a
and b
to be propagated and evaluated in the sum
signala()= 7
is evaluated as a.update(7)