

In RxJava, Subscription is an abstraction that represent the link between an Observable and a Subscriber.

A subscription is a quite simple type:

public interface Subscription {
    public void unsubscribe();
    public boolean isUnsubscribed();

The main usage for subscription is in its unsubscribe( ) method, that can be used to stop the chain, terminating wherever it is currently executing code.

CompositeSubscription is another useful type, that simplify the management of multiple and related subscriptions. A composite subscription comes with an algebra that defines the behaviors of its methods:

  • add(Subscription s), adds a new Subscription to the CompositeSubscription; if this is unsubscribed, will explicitly unsubscribing the new Subscription as well
  • remove(Subscription s), removes a Subscription from the CompositeSubscription, and unsubscribes the Subscription
  • unsubscribe(), unsubscribes to all subscriptions in the CompositeSubscription
  • unsubscribing inner subscriptions has no effect on the composite subscription